Ron Timmermans
Ron Timmermans earned his Private Pilot Certificate in 1972 and went on to add Commercial, Instrument, CFI/MEI, ATP, and Remote Pilot. Shortly after earning a CFIIA/MEI-IA, Ron became a Beechcraft Pilot Proficiency Program Ground and Flight instructor. Ron is the 2021 FAA National Certificated Flight Instructor of the Year and was inducted into the Flight Instructors Hall of Fame in 2022. Contracted to AOPA as a professional ground instructor for the ‘Rusty Pilots’ program, Ron now makes presentations to reach inactive pilots to encourage their return to flight.
Ron is a FAASTeam Lead Representative, giving monthly presentations on GA safety topics. He has given many Young Eagle rides, authored training curriculum, and developed flight instructor standardization guides, published articles, and served in leadership positions on the American Bonanza Society Board of Directors.